
Yeh, Kuang-Hui

  • Appointment: Professor
  • Research: Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
  • E-Mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
  • TEL: S201/ 02-33663078
  • Interests:

    Social Psychology/Moral Development/Family Psychology/Indigenous Psychology

  • Courses:

    Seminar on Self,emotion,and Motivation Topics

  • Professional Experience:

    Current Position:
    Deputy Director, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (2011.01 - )
    Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (2007.11.12 - )
    Joint-Appointment Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University (2008.08 - )
    Associate Editor, Asian Journal of Social Psychology (2014.01-2015.12)
    Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Psychology (2014.01-2016.12)

    Curator, Museum of Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (2013.04 - 2013.07)
    Dirctor, Library of Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (2008.01 - 2010.12)
    Editor, Chinese Journal of Mental Health, (2007.11 - 2010.12)
    Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (1999.06 - 2007.11)
    Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (1992.11 - 1999.06)
    Lecturer, Fu Hsing Kang College, National Defense University (1987.01.09 - 1992.11)

  • Honors & Awards:

    Distinguished Research Award of National Science Council, 2007
    Significant Research Achievement of Academia Sinica, 2006, 2008
    The Misumi Award, AASP (AJSP), Best Article 2003and Best Contribution Award 2004
    Research Project Award, National Science Council, 2002-2013
    General Research Award, National Science Council, 1993, 1995-2001
    Su Shiang-yeu Doctorate Dissertation Award, Chinese Psychological Association, 1992

  • Education:

    1992 National Taiwan University, Ph.D. in Social and Personality Psychology
    1983 National Taiwan University, M.S. in Organizational Psychology
    1981 National Taiwan University, B.S. in Psychology



Bedford, O. & Yeh, K-H.* (accepted). The contribution of Chinese process thought to psychology as a global science: Filial piety as an example.,《Review of General Psychology》。(SSCI, Scopus)


Sundararajan, L. K-W.*, Yeh, K-H., & Ho, W-T., (accepted). From regulation to refinement of emotions: Indigenization of ERQ (Emotion Regulation Questionnaire) in Taiwan, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.


張仁和、孫蒨如、葉光輝*,(2019)。華人本土自我研究的回顧與前瞻,《本土心理學研究》,51, 3-31(TSSCI)

Bedford, O.* & Yeh, K-H.*, (2019), The history and the future of the Psychology of filial piety: Chinese norms to contextualized personality construct, Frontiers in Psychology, 10:100. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00100. (SSCI)

高子淳、葉光輝*、何文澤,(2019)。多重時空框架經驗整合能力內涵及其對成人親子關係的效果,《中華輔導與諮商學報》,54: 91-122(TSSCI)

Liu, H-C., Ma, L.*, & Yeh, K-H., (2018), On the measurement invariance of a locally dependent test, International Journal of Applications of Fuzzy Sets and Artificial Intelligence, 8: 175-189.

Wang, S. Y.*, Wong, J. Y., Yeh, K. H. & Wang, L., (2018). What makes a meaningful life? Examining the effects of interpersonal harmony, dialectical coping, and nonattachment, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 21198-204. (SSCI)


蕭綱玉、葉光輝、吳志文*(2018)。親密關係衝突中的建設性轉化歷程:行動者與伴侶相依模式之探討,《中華心理衛生學刊》,31: 29-67(TSSCI)

何文澤、葉光輝*、呂婕、Sundararajan, L. K-W(2017)。適當表達:親子衝突中的情緒精鍊,《本土心理學研究》,48: 57-119。。(TSSCI)

Yeh, K.-H., Bedford, O.*, Wu, C.-W., Wang, S.-Y., & Yen, N.-S., (2017). Suppression benefits boys in Taiwan: The relation between gender, emotional regulation strategy, and mental health, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, volume B, 1-12. (SSCI)

Chang, J. H-Y.*, Yang, H., Yeh, K. H., & Hsiu, S. C., (2016). Developing trust in close personal relationships: Ethnic Chinese’s experiences, Journal of Trust Research, 6: 167-193.


Lam, B. C. P.*, Cross, S. E., Wu, T. F., Yeh, K. H., Wang, Y. C., & Su, J. C. (2016). What do you want in a marriage? Examining marriage ideals in Taiwan and the US. PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN, 42(6), 703-722. (SSCI)

Chang, J. H-Y.*, Yeh, K. H., & Hsiu, S. C., (2016), New dimensions of forgiveness in conflict resolution and peace studies, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Review, 2: 7-12., 7-12.

Liu, J. H., Yeh, K. H.*, Wu, C. W., Liu, L. & Yang, Y., (2016). The importance of gender and affect in the socialization of adolescents’ beliefs about benevolent authority: Evidence from Chinese indigenous psychology, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 101-114, 101-114-114. (SSCI)

Chen, W. W.*, Wu, C. W., & Yeh, K. H., (2016). How Parenting and Filial Piety Influence Happiness, Parent-Child Relationships and Quality of Family Life in Taiwanese Adult Children, Journal of Family Studies, 22, 80-96-96. (SSCI) (IF: 0.69; SSCI ranking: 69.8%)

葉光輝*、吳志文、王敏衡,(2016)。知覺父母滿足需求的教養與青少年雙元自主能力發展及其適應表現:跨時間作用與中介效果檢驗,《本土心理學研究》,45, 57-92, 57-92(TSSCI)

Wang, S. Y.*, Wong, Y. J. & Yeh, K. H., (2015). Relationship Harmony, Dialectical Coping, and Nonattachment: Chinese Indigenous Well-Being and Mental Health, The Counseling Psychologist, 44, 78-108, 78-108-108. (SSCI)

Wu, C. W., Guo, N. W., Hsieh, Y. S., & Yeh, K. H.*, (2015). The facilitating effect of need-supportive parenting on the change rate and adaptation of dual autonomy among Taiwanese adolescents, Swiss Journal of Psychology, 74, 181-195, 181-195-195. (SSCI)

吳志文、葉光輝*(2015)。工作自主經驗與父母教養行為:雙元自主性促進因素的範疇優勢性檢證,《本土心理學研究》,43期,3-54, 3-54-54(TSSCI)

葉光輝,(2015)。從個人研究的自我省思到華人學術社群的主體性提升,《輔導與諮商學報,3785-90》,3785-90, 85-90-90(A&HCI)

Liu, J. H., Yeh, K. H.*, Wu, C. W., Liu, L. & Yang, Y. (2015). The importance of gender and affect in the socialization of adolescents’ beliefs about benevolent authority: Evidence from Chinese indigenous psychology. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18(1). (SSCI)

葉光輝*(2014)。提升高齡者研究的應用價值才是當務之急,《應用心理研究》,61, 29-40, 29-40-40(TSSCI觀察名單)


葉光輝*、曹惟純,(2014)。從華人文化脈絡反思臺灣高齡社會下的老人福祉,《中國農業大學學報(社會科學版)》,313期,30-46, 30-46-46(CSSCI)

Chang, J. H-Y.*, Yeh, K. H., & Yang, H., (2014). Conceptualizing trust: a holistic Chinese view to bridge divergences and dichotomies, Chinese Journal of Communication, 7(2), 212-229. (SSCI)

葉光輝*、曹惟純,(2014)。成人親子衝突之建設性轉化路徑初探:衝突功能性評估、共享式解決策略與個人生活適應的關聯,《中華心理衛生學刊》,27(2): 173-199(TSSCI)

羅婉慈、葉光輝*(2014)。防衛型高自尊者在威脅情境下的防衛反應與自動情緒調節,《中華心理學刊》,56(1): 117-134(TSSCI)

曹惟純、葉光輝*(2014)。高齡化下的代間關係:台灣民眾孝道信念變遷趨勢分析(1994-2011),《社會學研究》,170: 116-144(CSSCI)

Ho, H. Z., Lam, Y. W. & Yeh, K. H. (2013). Character education in Taiwan: A reflection of historical shifts in sociocultural contexts. Childhood Education. 89(6), 362-367. 

黃士哲、葉光輝* (2013). 父母教養方式對青少年雙元孝道信念的影響效果:中介歷程的探討 本土心理學研究. 第39期,119-164。 

Yeh, K. H.*, Yi, C. C., Tsao, W. C., & Wan, P. S. (2013). Filial piety in contemporary Chinese societies: A comparative study of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. International Sociology. 28(3), 277-296. 

邱獻輝、葉光輝 (2012). 從傳統華人貞節觀念探討男性殺妻 本土心理學研究. 第38期,頁43-100. 

Wang, Y. L., Lin, Y. C., Huang, C. L. & Yeh, K. H. (2012). Benefit from a different angle: The effect of complementary matching of psychological distance on emotion regulation. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 15, 198-207. 

葉光輝 (2012). 文化差異亦或是個別差異:一個自我理論驗證的雙重陷落 本土心理學研究. 第37期,頁211-224. 

葉光輝 (2012). 青少年親子衝突歷程的建設性轉化:從研究觀點的轉換到理論架構的發展 高雄行為科學學刊. 3,31-59. 

Yeh, K. H. (2011, December). The mediating effects of negative emotions in parent-child conflict on adolescent problem behavior. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. vol. 14, 236-245. 

葉光輝 (2011). 青少年親子衝突歷程的建設性轉化:從研究觀點的轉換到理論架構的發展 高雄行為科學學刊. 第3卷,31-59。 

葉光輝 (2011). 談如何建構一個好的本土心理學理論 本土心理學研究. 第36期,139-153。 

Yang, D., Chiu, C. Y., Chen, X., Cheng, S. Y. Y., Kwan, L., Tam, K., & Yeh, K. H. (2011). Lay psychology of globalization and its social impact. Journal of Social Issues. 67(4), 677-695. 

葉光輝 (2011). 情境、脈絡與心理學研究 傳播研究與實踐. 第1卷,第2期,頁25-36. 

Liu, Y. L. & Yeh, K. H. (2011). The mediating effect of mother-adolescent interactions on the relationship between maternal ego development and adolescent individuation in Taiwan. Swiss Journal of Psychology. vol. 70, 155-164. 

楊連謙、葉光輝、董秀珠 (2011). 重型精神疾患丈夫為施暴者之婚姻處遇:施暴者之特徵及治療成效研究 中華心理衛生學刊. 24, 311-334. 

Liu, B. S., Li, C. Y., Yeh, K. H., & Huang, H. C. (2011). Differences in filial behavior in multi-generation families that live together. Journal of Nursing Research. 19(1), 25-34. 

吳志文、葉光輝 (2011). 雙元自主性的共存與範疇優勢性運作機制:以訊息區辨表現降低共同方法變異 中華心理學刊. 53(1),59-77.(通訊作者) 

Wu, T. F., Yeh, K. H., Cross, S. E., Wang, Y. H., & Tsai, Y. L. (2010). Conflict with mothers-in-law and Taiwanese women’s marital satisfaction: The moderating role of husband support. The Counseling Psychologist. 38, 497-522. 

Yeh, K. H., Tsao, W. C., & Chen, W. W. (2010). Parent-child conflict and psychological maladjustment: A mediational analysis with reciprocal filial belief and perceived threat. International Journal of Psychology. 45, 131-139. 

Yeh, K. H. (2010). Relationalism: the essence and evolving process of Chinese interactive relationships. Chinese Journal of Communication. 3, 76-94. 

葉光輝、曹惟純 (2010). 透視台灣社會的依賴新一代:親子互動關係的反思 青年研究學報(香港). 第13卷,第1期,頁109-119. 

Yeh, K. H., Bedford, O., & Yang, Y. J. (2009). A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Coexistence and Domain Superiority of Individuating and Relating Autonomy. International Journal of Psychology. 44, 213-221. 

葉光輝 (2009). 再論華人孝道雙元模型的幾個關鍵性議題 本土心理學研究. 第32期,頁207-248. 

葉光輝 (2009). 華人孝道雙元模型研究的回顧與前瞻 本土心理學研究. 第32期,頁101-148. 

葉光輝 (2009). 台灣民眾的代間交換行為:從孝道觀點的探討 本土心理學研究. 第31期,97-141. 

葉光輝 (2008). 「尋找機制與過程:長期追蹤研究的功用」回應文 量化研究學刊. 第二卷,第一期,27-33. 

黃軍義、葉光輝 (2008). 成年男性縱火慣犯之心理特徵與行為歷程分析 教育與心理研究. 第31卷第3期, 109-129. 

Cheung, F. M., Cheung, S. F., Zhang, J. X., Leung, K., Leong, F., & Yeh, K. H. (2008). Relevance of Openness as a Personality Dimension in Chinese Culture. Journal of Cross Cultural psychology. 39, 81-108. 

Yeh, K. H. (2006). The impact of filial piety on the problem behaviours of culturally Chinese adolescents. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies. 7(2), 237-257. 

Yang, Y. J., & Yeh, K. H. (2006). Differentiating the effects of enacted parental support on adolescent adjustment in Taiwan: The moderating role of relationship intimacy. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. vol. 9, 161-166. 

Yeh, K. H., & Yang, Y. J. (2006). Construct validation of individuating and relating autonomy orientations in culturally Chinese adolescents. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. vol. 9, 148-160. 

楊連謙、董秀珠、葉光輝 (2006). 婚姻暴力與夫妻離合 北市醫學雜誌. 第3卷第5期,450-460. 

葉光輝、黃宗堅、邱雅沂 (2006). 華人的家庭文化特徵:以台灣北部地區若干家庭的探討為例 本土心理學刊. 第25期,141-195. 

葉光輝、林延叡、王維敏、林倩如 (2006). 女兒渴望父愛情結相關因素的探討 教育與心理研究. 第29卷第1期,93-119. 

楊連謙、董秀珠、葉光輝 (2005). 精神科專科醫院治療婚姻暴力之經驗 北市醫學雜誌. 第2卷第8期,713-721. 

葉光輝、鄭欣佩、楊永瑞 (2005). 母親的後設情緒理念對國小子女依附傾向的影響 中華心理學刊. 第47卷第2期,181-195. 

Yang, C. C., Yang, C. C., & Yeh, K. H. (2005). Ecological-inference-based latent growth models: Modeling changes of alienation. Quality and Quantity. 39(2), 125-135. 

葉光輝 (2004). 現代華人家人的互動關係及其心理歷程 本土心理學刊. 第22期,頁81-119. 

黃宗堅、葉光輝、謝雨生 (2004). 夫妻關係中權力與情感的運作模式:以衝突因應策略為例 本土心理學研究. 第21期,頁3-48. 

Yeh, Kuang-Hui, & Bedford, O. (2004). Filial belief and parent-child conflict. International Journal of Psychology. 39(2), 132-144. 

黃軍義、葉光輝 (2003). 性格特徵及過去與火有關經驗對縱火行為的影響 中華心理衛生學刊. 第16卷第2期,頁21-45. 

Yeh, Kuang-Hui, & Bedford, O. (2003). A test of the Dual Filial Piety model. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 6(3), 215-228. 

Yeh, Kuang-Hui (2002). Is living with elderly parents still a filial obligation in Chinese people? Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies. 3(1), 61-84. 

黃軍義、葉光輝 (2001). 報復洩恨型縱火行為的動機與形成歷程 犯罪學期刊. 第8期,頁95-126. 

葉光輝 (2000). 家庭共親職互動文化類型之探討 中華心理衛生學刊. 第13卷第4期,頁33-76. 

葉光輝 (1999). 家庭中的循環性衝突 應用心理研究. 第2期,頁41-82. 

葉光輝 (1998). 一種、兩種還是多種道德:如何界定道德判準的判準 本土心理學期刊. 第9期,頁187-204. 

葉光輝 (1998). 孝道概念的心理學探討:雙層次孝道認知特徵的發展歷程 本土心理學刊. 第9期,頁53-117. 

葉光輝 (1998). 年老父母居住安排的心理學研究:孝道觀點的探討 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊. 第83期,頁121-168. 

葉光輝、孫世維、利翠珊、趙淑珠 (1997). 家庭心理學的開展與研究特點 中華心理衛生學刊. 第10卷第2期,頁19-43. 

葉光輝 (1997). 親子互動的困境與衝突及其因應方式:孝道觀點的探討 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊. 第82期 ,頁65-114. 

葉光輝、俞筱鈞 (1996). 跨文化心理學與心理學的同一化 思與言. 第三十四卷,第四期,頁203-234. 

葉光輝 (1995). 社會化歷程中的父母教化方式與子女的行為發展 中華心理學刊. 第37卷第2期,頁149-167. 

葉光輝 (1995). 孝道困境的消解模式及其相關因素 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊. 第79期 ,頁87-118. 

葉光輝、錢淑芬、孫常德 (1992). 軍官生涯規劃初探 復興崗學報. 第47期,頁257-277. 

葉光輝、楊國樞 (1991). 孝道認知結構組型之分析 國科會人文及社會科學彙刊. 第1卷第1期,頁32-51. 

葉光輝、楊國樞 (1989). 孝道的認知結構與發展:概念與衡鑑 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊. 第65期,頁131-169. 

楊國樞、葉光輝、黃曬莉 (1989). 孝道的社會態度與行為:理論與測量 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊. 第65期,頁171-227. 

葉光輝 (1989). 現代化變遷對民眾心理健康影響之探討 復興崗學報. 第42期,頁 235-247. 




Tsao, W.-C., & Yeh, K.-H.*, (2018) “Indigenous implications and global applications of the dual filial piety model: Toward a psychological conceptualization of “Xiao””, editor(s): Kuang-Hui Yeh (Ed.), Asian Indigenous Psychologies in the Global Context, pp. Chapter 9 (pp.195-219), Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yeh, K.-H.* & Sundararajan, L., (2018), “Introduction”, editor(s): Kuang-Hui Yeh (Ed.), Asian Indigenous Psychologies in the Global Context, pp. Chapter 1 (pp.1-15), Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yeh, K.-H.* & Sundararajan, L., (2018), “Introduction”, editor(s): Kuang-Hui Yeh (Ed.), Asian Indigenous Psychologies in the Global Context, pp. Chapter 1 (pp.1-15), Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Kuang-Hui YEH. (2018). Asian Indigenous Psychologies in the Global Context, 330 pages, Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.



Ho, H.-Z.*, Yeh, K.-H., Wu, C.-W., Lam, Y. W., Yu, Y., & Kung, H.-Y., (2017). “Parent involvement and student academic achievement in Taiwan: Gender, mediational, and developmental considerations”, editor(s): D. Sharpes, The Handbook of Comparative and International Education, pp. Chap.27, pp. 539-560, Charlotte, North Carolina:: Information Age Publishing.

葉光輝 (2017).《從親子互動脈絡看華人性格的養成》,共1-225頁,台北:五南出版社。

Yeh, K. H.*(2014),〈Filial piety and autonomous development of adolescents in the Taiwanese Family〉,D. L. Poston, Jr., W. S. Yang, & D. N. Farris (Ed.),《The Family and Social Change in Chinese Societies》,Chap. 2, pp.29-38New YorkSpringer Netherlands

葉光輝 (2013b). 華人青少年的自主性發展. 見葉光輝主編:《華人的心理與行為:全球化脈絡下的研究反思》專書. 台北南港:中央研究院出版. 

葉光輝 (2013a). 導論. 見葉光輝主編:《華人的心理與行為:全球化脈絡下的研究反思》專書. 台北南港:中央研究院出版. 

葉光輝 (2013). .. 主編:《華人的心理與行為:全球化脈絡下的研究反思》. 台北南港:中央研究院出版. 

葉光輝、章英華、曹惟純 (2011). 臺灣民眾家庭價值觀之變遷與可能心理機制. 台灣的社會變遷1985-2005:家庭篇,台灣社會變遷基本調查系列三之二. 臺北市. 

Yeh, K. H. (2011). Filial piety and autonomous development of Chinese adolescents. In D. L. Poston, Jr., W. S. Yang, & C. R. L. Chu, (Eds.). The Family and Social Change in Chinese Societies. New York. 

葉光輝、楊國樞 (2008). 中國人的孝道:心理學分析. 中國人的孝道:心理學分析. . 

Yeh, K. H., Liu, Y. L., Huang, H. S., & Yang, Y. J. (2007). Individuating and relating autonomy in culturally Chinese adolescents. In J. Liu, C. Ward, A. Bernardo, M. Karasawa & R. Fischer (Eds.). Casting the individual in societal and cultural contexts. Korea. 

葉光輝 (2005). 華人孝道的心理與行為. 華人本土心理學. 台北. 

Yeh, Kuang-Hui (2003). The beneficial and harmful effects of filial piety: An integrative analysis. In Kuo-Shu Yang, Kwang-Kuo Hwang, Paul B. Pederson, and Ikuo Daibo (Eds.). Progress in Asian Social Psychology: Conceptual and Empirical Contributions. . 

葉光輝 (2002). 「關係主義」:論華人人際互動關係的要素、來源及變化歷程. 從現代到本土. 台北. 

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