
Home Events 2023.04.26(Wed) 14:30 Dr. Chung-Ping Cheng〈On the Transparency of Psychological Research: A Meta-analysis Approach〉

2023.04.26(Wed) 14:30 Dr. Chung-Ping Cheng〈On the Transparency of Psychological Research: A Meta-analysis Approach〉

  • Date: 2023.04.26(Wed) 14:30
  • Venue: N100, North Hall, Department of Psychology
  • Speaker: Dr. Chung-Ping Cheng (Associate professor, Department of Psychology, National Cheng Kung University)
  • Topic: On the Transparency of Psychological Research: A Meta-analysis Approach

Replication is an important feature of modern science. Successful replication depends on the truthfulness of prior discoveries and the detailed reporting of operational procedures. Scientific discoveries should have "objectivity" or "inter-subjective verifiability," allowing different scientists to verify whether the results are the same based on the reported operational procedures. If replication fails, it may indicate that the information reported previously is not transparent enough to establish "objectivity." This speech reports on two studies conducted using meta-analytic integration. The first study combines the clustering of researchers to illustrate the influence of research teams on effect sizes, while the second study reanalyzes data from 90 meta-analyses to evaluate the transparency of research literature.

Home Events 2023.04.26(Wed) 14:30 Dr. Chung-Ping Cheng〈On the Transparency of Psychological Research: A Meta-analysis Approach〉