
People Faculty Full-Time Faculty 專任教授 黃從仁 Huang, Tsung-Ren

黃從仁 Huang, Tsung-Ren

  • 職稱: 副教授
  • 研究領域: 認知與知覺心理學/生物心理學
  • E-Mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
  • 辦公室/電話: S103/ 886-2-33663104
  • 研究興趣:

    Psychoinformatics and Neuroinformatics / Computational Modeling of Neural and Cognitive Systems /  Learning and Memory / Social Cognition & Social Interaction of Humans and Machines (AI / Robots)

  • 提供課程:

    General Psychology / Psychoinformatics and Neuroinformatics / Advanced Psychoinformatics and Neuroinformatics / Neural and Behavioral Modeling / Methods of Psychological Experiments / Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Functions of Neural Systems / Cognitive Science / Introduction of Cognitive Neuroscience / Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience / Physiological Psychology / Memory in Social Contexts / Blue Light, Sleep, and Psychology / Application and Commercialization of Psychological Knowledge

  • 經歷:

    2024-2025 Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, Stanford University
    2024-         Advisory Board Member, Cutters AI Technologies Inc.
    2024-         Center Researcher, NVIDIA-NTU Artificial Intelligence Joint Research Center, National Taiwan University
    2024-         Associate Director, Digital Learning Center, National Taiwan University
    2023-2024 Director, Taiwanese Psychological Association
    2023-         Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, National Taiwan University (joint appointment)
    2022-         Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences, National Taiwan University (joint appointment)
    2022-         Program Faculty, Master Program in Statistics, National Taiwan University
    2022-         Division Director, Imaging Center for Integrated Body, Mind and Cultural Research, National Taiwan University
    2022-2022 Special Consultant for Machine Learning, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    2020-         Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
    2019-2022 Center Researcher, Joint Research Center for AI Technology and All Vista Healthcare, National Taiwan University
    2019-2022 Center Researcher, AI Biomedical Research Center, National Cheng Kung University
    2018-         Center Researcher, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics, National Taiwan University
    2018-2022 Center Researcher, Center for Research in Econometric Theory and Applications, National Taiwan University
    2017-2018 Deputy Secretary General, Taiwanese Psychological Association
    2014-         Center Researcher, Neurobiology & Cognitive Science Center, National Taiwan University
    2014-         Director, Modeling and Informatics Laboratory, National Taiwan University
    2014-2020 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
    2011-2014 Research Associate, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado Boulder
    2012-2013 System Administrator, Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado Boulder
    2009-2011 Research Associate, Department of Psychology, Boston University
    2003-2004 Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University

  • 學術榮譽:

    2024 Career Development Project Fellow at National Taiwan University (2024-2026)
    2023 Laurel Research Project Fellow at National Taiwan University (2023-2027)
    2023 NSTC Excellent Young Scholar (2023-2027)
    2023 Outstanding Teaching Faculty Member at National Taiwan University (top 10%)
    2017 Outstanding Teaching Faculty Member at National Taiwan University (top 10%)
    2016 Outstanding Teaching Faculty Member at National Taiwan University (top 10%)
    2015 Invited General Participant of the 8th France-Taiwan Frontiers of Science Meeting
    2014 MOST Special Outstanding Talent (2014-2016)

  • 學歷:

    2009 Ph.D., Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University

    2003 M.S., Physics, National Taiwan University

    2001 B.S., Mathematics, National Taiwan University

期刊論文 Publications

期刊論文 Publications

Chen, P.-R., Huang, T.-R., Ming, O., Liang, R.-H., Gau, S.-F., & Chen, Y.-L.* (2024). The preliminary efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy virtual reality job Interview and workplace communication training program for autistic adults. Autism in Adulthood, in press.

Pepe, N.W., Tan, L.S., Huang, T.-R., Savani, K., & Rajaram, S. (2024). Cultural variations in memory disruption: The part-list cuing impairment in Taiwan, Singapore, and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, in press.

Huang, T.-R.*, Cheng, Y.-L., & Rajaram, S. (2024). Unavoidable social contagion of false memory from robots to humans. American Psychologist, 79(2), 285-298.

Li, Y.-T., Yeh, S.-L., & Huang, T.-R.* (2023). The cross-race effect in automatic facial expression recognition violates measurement invariance. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1201145.

Huang, T.-R.*, Hsu, S.-M., & Fu, L.-C. (2023). Data augmentation via face morphing for recognizing intensities of facial emotions. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 14(2), 1228-1235.

Yan, K.*, Tsai, M.-L., Huang, T.-R. (2023). A scientometric approach to the integrated history and philosophy of science: Entrenched biomedical standardization and citation-exemplar. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 36(2), 143-165.

Tsai, D.F.C.*, Foo, K.-F., Huang, T.-R., & Chung, P-C. (2023). Data science ethics and medical AI research. Formosan Journal of Medicine, 27(3), 360-370. [In Chinese]

Huang, T.-R.*, Chen, T.-C, Lin, T.-Y, Goh, J.O.S., Chang, Y.-L., Yeh, S.-L., & Fu, L.-C. (2023). Spatially small-scale approach-avoidance behaviors allow learning-free machine inference of object preferences in human minds. International Journal of Social Robotics,15, 999–1006.

Ueda, Y.*, Huang, T.-R., Shen, Z., Sakata, C., Yeh, S.-L., & Saito, S. (2023). Sequential processing facilitates Hebb repetition learning in visuospatial domain. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(9), 2559-2577.

Huang, T.-R.* & Hsieh, Y.-M. (2023). Equal opportunities for learning and remembering attitudinally opposing information on the internet. Current Psychology, 43, 1627-1637.

Yang, Y.-Y., Hwang, A.H.C., Wu, C.-T., & Huang, T.-R.* (2022). Person-identifying brainprints are stably embedded in EEG mindprints. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 17031.

Yang, Y.-H., Huang, T.-R., & Yeh, S.-L.* (2022). Role of visual awareness on semantic integration of sequentially presented words: An fMRI study. Brain and Cognition, 164, 105916.

Huang, L.T.L., Chen, H.-Y.*, Lin, Y.-T., Huang, T.-R., & Hung, T.-W. (2022). Ameliorating algorithmic bias, or why explainable AI needs feminist philosophy. Feminist Philosophical Quarterly, 8(3/4).

Yeh, Y.-Y., Lin, T.-Y., Huang, T.-R.*, & Kuo, C.-Y.* (2022) Development of a tablet-based task battery for executive function assessment. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 64(3), 279-310. [In Chinese]

Chang, Y.-L.*, Luo, D.-H., Huang, T.-R., Goh, J.O.S., Yeh, S.-L., & Fu, L.-C. (2022). Identifying mild cognitive impairment by using human–robot interactions. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 85(3), 1129-1142.

Chen, Y.-C., Yeh, S.-L.*, Huang, T.-R., Chang, Y.-L., Goh, J.O.S., & Fu, L.-C. (2021). Social robots for evaluating attention state in older adults. Sensors, 21(21), 7142.

Tsai, Y.-P., Hung, S.-H., Huang, T.-R., Sullivan, W.C., Tang, S.-A., & Chang, C.-Y.* (2021). What part of the brain is involved in graphic design thinking in landscape architecture? PLOS ONE, 16(12), e0258413.

Hsu, S.-M., Chen, S.-H., & Huang, T.-R.* (2021). Personal resilience can be well estimated from heart rate variability and paralinguistic features during human-robot conversations. Sensors, 21(17), 5844.

Huang, T.-R.*, Liu, Y.-W., Hsu, S.-M., Goh, J.O.S., Chang, Y.-L., Yeh, S.-L., & Fu, L.-C. (2021). Asynchronously embedding psychological test questions into human-robot conversations for user profiling. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(6), 1359–1368.

Yan, K.*, Tsai, M. L., & Huang, T.-R. (2021). Improving the quality of case-based research in the philosophy of contemporary sciences. Synthese, 198, 9591-9610.

Chuang, Y.-S., Hung, H.-Y., Gamborino, E., Goh, J.O.S.*, Huang, T.-R., Chang, Y.-L., Yeh, S.-L., & Fu, L.-C. (2020). Using machine theory of mind to learn agent social network structures from observed interactive behaviors with targets. IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). https://bit.ly/36JJjmj

Rohrlich, J.*, Huang, T.-R., Hazy, T. E., & O'Reilly, R. C. (2020). Object recognition's garden path: Low spatial frequencies. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/j45fb

Huang, T.-R.* (2020). Applications and trends of big-data and AI methods in behavioral and social sciences. Survey Research—Method and Application, 45, 11-42. [In Chinese]

Luo, Z., Chang, C.-Y., Huang, T.-R., Studer, V., Wang, T.-W., & Lai, W.-S.* (2020). Lithium for schizophrenia: supporting evidence from a 12-year, nationwide health insurance database and from Akt1-deficient mouse and cellular models. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-13.

Huang, T.-R.* (2019). Understanding potentially biased artificial agents powered by supervised learning: Perspectives from cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 61(3), 197-208.

Huang, T.-R.* & Wang, Y.-H. (2019). Perceiving self, others, and events through a religious lens: Mahayana Buddhists vs. Christians. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:217.

Chen, C.-Y. & Huang, T.-R.* (2019). Christians and Buddhists are comparably happy on Twitter: A large-scale linguistic analysis of religious differences in social, cognitive, and emotional tendencies. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:113.

Chen, Y.-A. & Huang, T.-R.* (2017). Multistability of the brain network for self-other processing. Scientific Reports, 7, 43313.

Huang, T.-R.* (2016). Hebbian plasticity for improving perceptual decisions. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.03270.

Chien, S.H.L.*, Wang, J.-F., & Huang, T.-R. (2016). Developing the own-race advantage in 4-, 6-, and 9-month-old Taiwanese infants: A perceptual learning perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1606.

Chi, K.-Y., Hua, K.-L., Huang, T.-R., & Chen, Y.-Y.* (2016). Design of image barcodes for future mobile advertising. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW). http://doi.org/10.1109/ICMEW.2016.7574731

Tamaki, M., Huang, T.-R., Yotsumoto, Y., Hamalainen, M., Lin, F.-H., Nanez, J.E., Watanabe, T., & Sasaki, Y.* (2013). Enhanced spontaneous oscillations in the supplementary motor area are associated with sleep-dependent offline learning of finger-tapping motor-sequence task. Journal of Neuroscience. 33(34), 13894-13902.

Herd, S.A., Krueger, K.A., Kriete, T.E., Huang, T.-R., Hazy, T.E., & O'Reilly, R.C.* (2013). Strategic cognitive sequencing: A computational cognitive neuroscience approach. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. 2013, 149329.

Huang, T.-R.*, Hazy, T.E., Herd, S.A., & O'Reilly, R.C. (2013). Assembling old tricks for new tasks: A neural model of instructional learning and control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 25(6), 843-851.

Huang, T.-R.* & Watanabe, T. (2012). Task attention facilitates learning of task-irrelevant stimuli. PLoS ONE. 7(4), e35946.

Huang, T.-R.* (2012). Boston-NeuroTalks Calendar 3.0: A talk database powered by collective intelligence. Neuroinformatics, 10(2), 219-222.

Huang, T.-R. & Grossberg, S.* (2010). Cortical dynamics of contextually cued attentive visual learning and search: Spatial and object evidence accumulation. Psychological Review. 117(4), 1080-1112.

Grossberg, S.* & Huang, T.-R. (2009). ARTSCENE: A neural system for natural scene classification. Journal of Vision. 9(4):6, 1-19.

Chiu, T.-W.*, Hsieh, T.-R., Huang, C.-H., & Huang, T.-R. (2003). A computational system for lattice QCD with overlap Dirac quarks. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 19C, 1050-1052.

Chiu, T.-W.*, Hsieh, T.-R., Huang, C.-H., & Huang, T.-R. (2003). A Linux PC cluster for lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 14, 723-746.

Chiu, T.-W.*, Hsieh, T.-R., Huang, C.-H., & Huang, T.-R. (2002). A note on Zolotarev optimal rational approximation for the overlap Dirac operator. Physical Review D, 66, 114502.

People Faculty Full-Time Faculty 專任教授 黃從仁 Huang, Tsung-Ren