


【Global Speaker Series】Opportunity for Social Prescribing on Post-secondary Campuses2024-11-14
【活動】2024 NTU-KyotoU-UHH Trilateral Symposium2024-11-04
【榮譽】 臺大心理系張玉玲教授榮獲113學年度特聘教授2024-09-30
【Global Speaker Series】Climate Change and Our Campuses: Impact and action for student mental health2024-09-19
【榮譽】 臺大心理系陳品豪助理教授榮獲第十二屆傑出人才發展基金會年輕學者創新獎2024-06-17
【Global Speaker Series】Fostering Compassionate Learning Environments: Evidence-based pedagogical strategies to support student mental health and wellbeing in the classroom2024-04-23
【Global Speaker Series】When Knowledge Isn’t Enough: Closing the loop on implementing evidence-based changes2024-04-23
【Global Speaker Series】Mental Health of University Students in Ukraine During and After the War2024-02-21
【活動】「意識研究群國際年會」(Consciousness Research Network 2023)2023-08-03
【活動】參加 2023 多倫多大學Postsecondary Student Mental Health Summer Research Institute 研討交流2023-06-12
【活動】Caroline C. Lee 博士來訪2023-05-24
【Global Speaker Series】Identifying Research Priorities in Global Postsecondary Student Mental Health 2023-05-12
【Global Speaker Series】Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity: Reframing Postsecondary Student Mental Health Research2023-02-17
【Global Speaker Series】Student Engagement in Postsecondary Student Mental Health and Research2022-11-11
【Global Speaker Series】Utilizing Technology in Postsecondary Student Mental Health Research2022-10-20
【活動】NTU/UofT August 2022 Update Meeting | Global Research Network 2022-08-16
【活動】The 7th International Nursing Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science2022-07-15
【活動】APRU 5th Annual  Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Conference- Climate risk and urban resilience: Challenges ahead2022-07-15
【活動】Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP)2022-07-04
【活動】The 25th Annual Meeting of the ASSC2022-07-01
【榮譽】臺大心理系梁庚辰教授榮獲110 學年度臺大傑出導師獎2022-06-22
【Global Speaker Series】Nonsuicidal Self-injury Among Students: Understanding Postsecondary Stressors2022-06-10
【Global Speaker Series】Mental Health in the Classroom: at the Intersection of Pedagogy and Wellbeing2022-05-06
【活動】APEC Web Conference2022-05-01
【榮譽】 臺大心理系張玉玲副教授榮獲110 年度科技部傑出研究獎2022-04-15
【活動】Vision Sciences Society 20222022-04-13
【活動】2022 NTU-Tohoku Symposium on AI and Human Studies2022-03-01
【資訊】Landscape and Human Health 課程2022-02-16
【活動】Round Table on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence2021-09-22
【活動】Health, it matters: Responsible Mission for ICLEE2021-09-01
【活動】筑波x台大 Social Impacts and Responses in the COVID-19 Crisis2021-06-22
【活動】Society for Philosophy and Psychology 20212021-06-03
【榮譽】臺大心理系陳建中老師榮獲科技部109 年度傑出研究獎2021-05-31