
回首頁 演講訊息 104.03.11 (三) 14:30 張育愷副教授 〈急性健身運動與認知功能:由行為、認知神經科學至實務運用〉

104.03.11 (三) 14:30 張育愷副教授 〈急性健身運動與認知功能:由行為、認知神經科學至實務運用〉

  • 演講時間: 104年3月11日(三) 14:30 - 16:00
  • 演講地點: N100
  • 講者: 張育愷副教授(國立體育大學教競技與教練科學研究所副教授)
  • 演講主題: 急性健身運動與認知功能:由行為、認知神經科學至實務運用

Research related to acute exercise and cognition has been examined since the 1990s. Both narrative and meta-analytic reviews have generally demonstrated that acute exercise has a positive effect on cognitive functions. Recently, this research issue has been expanded by studies assessing various exercise types, the nature of cognitive functions, and the dose-response relationships at work between specific exercise components and cognition. In addition, the underlying mechanism beyond acute exercise and cognition was also investigated by many novel techniques derived from cognitive neuroscience approaches. These studies provide updated knowledge concerning the implications of how to maximize acute exercise effects on cognitive functions. The purpose of this talk is to reflect on the trends of this research issue by introducing previous and current understandings emphasizing acute exercise and cognitive functions. Specifically, along with reviewing some pioneer works, this presentation provides updated knowledge from our group, emphasizing: a) the effects of acute exercise on cognitive functions, especially studies involving issues of various exercise types, and dose-response relationships; b) acute exercise impacts on cognition as evidenced in a variety of neuroelectric and neuroimaging techniques, and lastly; c) current conclusions and implications regarding the outcome of acute exercise on cognitive functions.




張博士2013年榮獲「國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎」,為體育運動領域第一位獲得的學者;2013與2014年連續獲頒國際競技運動心理學會 (ISSP) 、北美競技運動暨身體活動心理學會 (NASPSPA) 之「傑出年輕學者獎」,兩項獎勵皆為亞洲第一位獲得之學者。


張博士近六年發表學術論文近80篇,其中包括SCI/SSCI期刊51篇,TSSCI期刊9篇。張博士並受國際學術社群邀請撰述多種教科書章節,現亦為Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (SCI/SSCI) 之編輯委員,並曾擔任近30種國際與國內學術期刊之審閱委員。 


回首頁 演講訊息 104.03.11 (三) 14:30 張育愷副教授 〈急性健身運動與認知功能:由行為、認知神經科學至實務運用〉