
回首頁 演講訊息 108.11.06(三) 14:30 Prof. Jessica Wang 〈Why is perspective-taking sometimes (but not always) difficult?〉

108.11.06(三) 14:30 Prof. Jessica Wang 〈Why is perspective-taking sometimes (but not always) difficult?〉

  • 演講時間: 108年11月06日(三) 14:30
  • 演講地點: N100
  • 講者: Prof. Jessica Wang (Lancaster University)
  • 演講主題: Why is perspective-taking sometimes (but not always) difficult?

Theory of Mind (ToM) is the ability to understand others’ mental states, and that these mental states can differ from our own. Although healthy adults have little trouble understanding others’ mental states conceptually, they do not always succeed in using their ToM. In order to be successful in referential communication, listeners need to correctly infer the way in which a speaker’s perspective constrains reference and inhibit their own perspective accordingly. However, the degree to which listeners manage to successfully make such inferences is likely determined by a number of cognitive and motivational factors. In this talk, I will draw from developmental, cross-cultural, and motivational studies of referential communication to try and understand factors that contribute to successful ToM-use.

回首頁 演講訊息 108.11.06(三) 14:30 Prof. Jessica Wang 〈Why is perspective-taking sometimes (but not always) difficult?〉