
回首頁 演講訊息 103.03.05 (三) 12:30 Dr. Barbara Wilson〈Comprehensive Holistic Rehabilitation for people with non-progressive brain injury: The Oliver Zangwill Center Approach〉

103.03.05 (三) 12:30 Dr. Barbara Wilson〈Comprehensive Holistic Rehabilitation for people with non-progressive brain injury: The Oliver Zangwill Center Approach〉

  • 演講時間: 2014-3-5
  • 演講地點: N100
  • 講者: Dr. Barbara Wilson(Founder of the Oliver Zangwill Center, Honorary Consultant Psychologist)
  • 演講主題: Comprehensive Holistic Rehabilitation for people with non-progressive brain injury: The Oliver Zangwill Center Approach

Rehabilitation is a process whereby people who are disabled by injury or disease work together with professional staff, relatives and members of the wider community to achieve their optimum physical, psychological, social and vocational well-being (McLellan 1991). Neuropsychological rehabilitation (NR) is concerned with the amelioration of cognitive, emotional, psychosocial and behavioural deficits caused by an insult to the brain. NR is one of many fields needing a broad theoretical base incorporating frameworks, theories and models from many different areas. Being constrained by one theoretical model can lead to poor clinical practice. The starting point for any rehabilitation programme is the patient  and his or her family. In addition to background and ethnic and social issues, the nature, extent, and severity of brain damage should be determined. Current problems, including cognitive, emotional, psychosocial, and behavioural, need to be assessed. Behavioural or functional assessments can be used to complement standardised assessment procedures. Having identified problems, the rehabilitation programme can be planned. Patients, families and staff need to negotiate meaningful, functionally relevant and attainable goals. There is plenty of evidence to show that  neuropsychological rehabilitation is clinically effective. Cicerone and his colleagues, for example, in a meta-analysis, found that such programmes can improve community integration, functional independence, and productivity, even for patients who are many years post injury (Cicerone et al 2011). Van Heughten et al 2012) looked at 95 randomised control trials carried out between 1980 and 2010 and concluded that there is a large body of evidence to support the efficacy of cognitive rehabilitation.

The Oliver Zangwill Centre for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation opened in 1996 following three years of negotiations between the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the local National Health Service (NHS) Trust. The centre is probably unique in that it is a partnership between a health care provider, the NHS, and a research funding body, the MRC. The Centre aims to provide an excellent clinical rehabilitation service influenced by and contributing to research into the rehabilitation of survivors of brain injury. We 1) provide a therapeutic milieu, 2) make certain that the goals set for clients are meaningful and functionally relevant, 3) ensure shared understanding between staff, clients and families, 4) apply psychological interventions to the cognitive, emotional and psychosocial difficulties encountered by the clients, 5) manage cognitive impairments through compensatory strategies and retraining of skills and, 6) work closely with families and carers. Patients are  between 16- 60 years old, with non-progressive brain injuries and living with cognitive, emotional and psychosocial problems. Treatment is offered for six months. For the first six weeks patients attend four days a week from 10 in the morning until four in the afternoon. This is the intensive phase. For the second twelve weeks, the integration phase, patients attend two days a week. For the rest of the week they are reintegrating into work or higher education or else they are leaning to be more independent. Therapy involves both group and individual therapy which addresses their cognitive, emotional and psychosocial needs. This is centered around goal attainment. One survey showed that most patients achieved the goals set. Although the treatment follows a holistic (otherwise known as an intensive or milieu oriented approach) it is heavily influenced by a number of theories, models and frameworks. 



Dr.Barbara Wilson是一位在頭部外傷復健中心任職長達35年以上的臨床神經心理師。她的工作得到相當多榮譽與肯定。1996年,她建立了專職於神經心理復健的Oliver Zangwill Centre,該中心目前仍是世界上最頂尖的神經行為復健中心之一。1998年,她獲得英國皇家勳章(Order of British Empire)肯定她在復健工作上的貢獻;除此之外,她也得到英國心理學會與國際神經心理學會的終身成就獎。2011年,她在國際神經精神學會上獲頒Ramon Y Cahal獎,肯定她在該領域的付出。
Dr.Barbara Wilson發表過18本專書,超過270篇的學術期刊文章,並且發展8個至今仍相當常用的臨床神經心理測驗。過去她曾擔任過國際神經心理學會的主席,目前則是腦炎學會的主席,同時也是世界神經復健組織的重要成員;事實上,該組織的神經心理學部門,設有一個以她為名的獎項,以鼓勵對臨床神經心理學有傑出貢獻的後進。

回首頁 演講訊息 103.03.05 (三) 12:30 Dr. Barbara Wilson〈Comprehensive Holistic Rehabilitation for people with non-progressive brain injury: The Oliver Zangwill Center Approach〉