
系所成員 系所師資 名譽教授 黃榮村 Huang, Jong-Tsun

黃榮村 Huang, Jong-Tsun

  • 職稱: 名譽教授
  • 研究領域: 認知與知覺心理學
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    中國醫藥大學 醫學院生物醫學研究所 講座教授


    中國醫藥大學 醫學院神經科學與認知科學研究所 講座教授
    教育部 部長
    淡江大學 講座教授
    中國醫藥大學 生命科學院神經科學與認知科學研究所 教授
    哈佛大學 訪問學者
    中央研究院 研究員
    中國心理學會 理事長
    臺灣大學 心理學系 系主任
    行政院教改會 委員
    臺灣大學 教育學程中心 主任
    行政院國家科學委員會 人文及社會科學發展處 處長
    遠哲科學教育基金會 董事長
    災後重建民間諮詢團 執行長
    行政院 政務委員
    921災後重建推動委員會 執行長
    臺灣大學 理學院心理系 教授

  • 學歷:


期刊論文 Publications

期刊論文 Publications

Huang, J. T., Chiu, Y. C., Lin, C. H., & Duann, J. R. (Eds.) (2018). Twenty Years After the Iowa Gambling Task: Rationality, Emotion, and Decision-Making. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-528-7 

Chiu,Y. C., *Huang, J. T., Duann, J. R., & *Lin C. H. (2018). Editorial: Twenty years after the Iowa Gambling Task: Rationality, emotion, and decision-making. Frontiers in Psychology, 8: 2353.

Lin, C. Y., Tien, Y. M., Huang, J. T., Tsai, C. H., & Hsu, L. C. (2016). Degraded impairment of emotion recognition in Parkinson’s disease extends from negative to positive emotions. Behavioural Neurology, Volume 2016, Article ID 9287092.

Lin, C. H., Lin, Y. K., Song, T. J., *Huang, J. T., & *Chiu, Y. C. (2016). A simplified model of choice behavior under uncertainty. Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 1201.

Wang, M. Y., Yeh, Y. Y., & Huang, J. T. (2013). The applications of cognitive psychology in Taiwan: From cognitive research to human-centered design in the context of emerging technology (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Psychology, 55(3), 381-404.

Huang, J. T. (2013). From conditioning to conditional reasoning (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Psychology, 55(3), 245-254.

Yeh, S. L., & *Huang, J. T. (2013). Special Issue: The core and key transformation of cognitive studies in Taiwan. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 55(3), 1-3.

Huang, J. T., Chen, L., Yeh, S. L. (2012). Introduction to the Special Issue: Highlights from the 2010 Cross-Strait Forum on the Joint Development of Cognitive Science Studies. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 54:1, 27-30.

Huang, J. T., Tang, D. L., Yuan, J. C., Huang, S. L., & Sakurai, S. (2011). The interaction of low-level computation and high-level modulation in human stereopsis. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 53:1, 1-20.

Lin, C. H. Chiu, Y. C., *Huang, J. T. (2009). Gain-loss frequency and final outcome in the Soochow Gambling Task: A reassessment. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 5(45), 1-9.

Chiu, Y. C., Lin, C. H., *Huang, J. T., Lin, S., Lee, P.L., & Hsieh, J. C. (2008). Immediate gain is long-term loss: Are there foresighted decision makers in the Iowa Gambling Task? Behavioral and Brain Functions, 4(13), 1-10.



專書專章 Books/Chatpers

Huang, J. T. (2018). An Annotated Translation and Critical Reappraisal of Eric R. Kandel’s (2012)《The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present》, New York: Random House. (To be published by the Linking Publishing, Taipei)

Huang, J.T. (2018). Songs of life: Collected poems. New Taipei: Ink Press. 

Huang, J. T. (2018). Decision-Making Under Difficulties and Crises. Taipei: Ink Press.

Huang, J. T. (2018). Never-Ending Memories. Taipei: Ink Press.

Chou, H. P., Chiang, S. C., & Huang, J. T. (Eds.) (2018). IR in Taiwan: Theories and Technology. Taipei: Higher Education Press.

Lin, P. W., Chiang, T. L., & Huang, J. T. (Eds.) (2018). IR in Taiwan: Current Practices. Taipei: Higher Education Press.

Huang, J. T. (2014). University Nurturing and Its Rebels. Taipei:Ink Press.

Chiu, Y.C., *Lin, C. H., & *Huang, J. T. (2012). Prominent deck B phenomenon: Are decision-makers sensitive to long-term outcome in the Iowa Gambling Task? In A.E. Cavanna (Ed.), Psychology of Gambling: New Research, Chapter 7, 93-118. New York: Nova.

Huang, J. T. (2009). The Collective Memory of Taiwan 921 Earthquake. Taipei:Ink Press.


研討會論文 Conference Presentations

研討會論文 Conference Presentations

Huang, J. T., Sakurai, S., & Wang, M. Y. (2018). A critical appraisal on the development of experimental and cognitive psychology in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Symposium in Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of Acta Psychologica Taiwanica, November 10-11, Taipei, Taiwan.

Jong-Tsun Huang (2018). AI and consciousness. Paper presented at the Tohoku U-NTU 2nd AI Meeting, November 25, 2018, Tohoku University, Japan.

Jong-Tsun Huang (2017). AI and psychology: From human-like to behavioral transgression. Paper presented at the 1st NTU-Tohoku U Symposium on Interdisciplinary AI and Human Studies, December 23, 2017, Taipei.

Jong-Tsun Huang (2017). Psychological Entanglement of Time and Space: A Comparison of Apparent-Motion and Déjà-vu Illusions. Paper presented at the 2017 Cross-Strait Forum on the Joint Development of Cognitive Science Studies, September 3, 2017; Taipei.

Huang, J. T. (2015). The changing role of quality assurance agencies in East Asia in response to low fertility rate: Taiwan experience. Paper presented at the 2015 INQAAHE (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Education) Conference, March 30- April 3, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Huang, J, T. (2012). A reappraisal on the detection of topological invariants and the precedence of topological properties. Paper presented at the 30th Anniversary Conference on the Theory of Topological Perception, November 12, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

Huang, J.T., Tang, D.L., Lin, L., & Yuan, J.C. (2012). The effect of Chinese character background on the formation of illusory contour in depth. Paper presented at the 14th ICPEAL, October 26-28, Nagoya University, Japan.

Huang, J. T. (2012). Between Freudian Dream Theory and the Modern Science of Mind : Incommensurability and Its Resolution. Paper presented at Incommensurability 50, June 1, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chiu, Y.C., Song, T. J., Lin, Y.K., Huang, J.T., & Lin, C.H. (2011). Is skin conductance response combined Iowa Gambling Task an appropriate index for the Somatic Marker Hypothesis? Paper presented at the Neuroeconomics Conference, Evanston, Illinois, USA.

Chiu, Y.C., Lin, Y.K., Song, T. J., Huang, J.T., & Lin, C.H. (2011). How black swans dance: The consecutive effect in the Soochow Gambling Task. Paper presented at the Neuroeconomics Conference, Evanston, Illinois, USA

Huang, J. T. (2010). When uncertainty prevails: The role of reason and emotion in decision making. Plenary speech at the 7th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS 2010), August 17-20, Beijing, China.

Huang, J.T., Tang, D. L. (2010). Operating Characteristics of Blind-Spot Completion. Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), July 23-26, Taipei, Taiwan. (Also appeared in Vision, 22, 72)

Huang, J. T. (2009). The collective memory of a century event. Keynote speech presented at the International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, September 17-21, Taipei, Taiwan.

Huang, J. T. (2008). A summary report on the recovery issues following 921Chi-Chi earthquake. Keynote speech at the Workshop on Large-Scale Disaster Recovery in APEC, September 22-25, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lin, C. H., Chiu, Y. C., & Huang, J. T. (2008). Reexamining the effect of long-term outcome and gain-loss frequency: From unconsciousness to consciousness. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC), June 19-22, Taipei, Taiwan.

系所成員 系所師資 名譽教授 黃榮村 Huang, Jong-Tsun